Nov 2, 2010

Online Survey Report


Ethic Relations (UHM2022) is a subject that designed to promote students’ unity and integration. This is achieved by involving students in field work and other dynamic team activities applying the basic concept and of ethnic relations in Malaysia. Students are required to produce field work report based on their observation on selected topics related to the Malaysian multi ethnic society. Ethnic relations issues are integrated in the content of the course where students should analyze critically as well as demonstrate positive values and foster unity and integration among students.

The objectives of ethic relations are describe the characteristics of ethnic composition in Malaysia. Next, identify the strength and challenges in multi-ethnic country. Besides that, Examine the problem related to ethnic relations. Last but not list, analyze current issues related to ethnic relations in Malaysia.

Upon ascending to Malaysia’s highest public office on April 2009, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, YAB Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak has made waves to all corners of the nation with the introduction of “1Malaysia Concept”. The concept evolves around culture of excellence, perseverance, acceptance, education, integrity, meritocracy, humility and loyalty.

Since independent, national unity has been made top priority in unity in education, culture, socio-economy, political, regional, etc. 1Malaysia seeks to improve the relations of all Malaysians, regardless of racial, religious or cultural backgrounds. There are certain major concerns that need to be addressed in order to seriously engage in 1Malaysia concept. Without correcting them, all efforts will be in vain.

In other words, 1 Malaysia is a concept to foster unity in Malaysians of all races based on several important values which should become the practice of every Malaysian. 1Malaysia is a formula which serves as a prerequisite to ensure realisation of the country's aspiration to achieve developed nation status by 2020 if it is assimilated in the people and practised by society.

Report Review

In this part, lets review all the process doing this study form the beginning until the end of this report. The task is given by the lecturer, Mr. Ahmad Bin Ibrahim to conduct an online survey based on national policy. All groups have been asked to choose one policy from the national policies in Malaysia. An online survey based on “1 Malaysia Concept”. Objective of the survey are to know the response from citizen about '1 Malaysia' ideas and to know why ‘1 Malaysia’ concept was introduced today does. The online survey was published on 13th October until 27th October 2010. Target of the survey was 30 respondents consist of male and female and its open to outsider also. These survey forms consist of 5 question which an opinion question. The questions are:

1. Do you agree with “1 Malaysia Concept”?

2. Do you think this concept is one of the way to achieve “Wawasan 2020” ?

3. What do you understand about “1 Malaysia Concept”?

4. Based from “1 Malaysia Concept” can this concept create the unity between people in Malaysia?

5. What do you expect from “ 1 Malaysia Concept”?

Analysis and Discussion

Question 1

Do you agree with “1 Malaysia Concept”?

Mostly the respondents answer is agree with the “1 Malaysia Concept”, it is because the concept is to unite Malaysians and to keep the country peace and harmony.

Question 2

Do you think this concept is one of the way to achieve “Wawasan 2020”?

Majority of the respondent give positive answer for this question. Wawasan 2020 are about to keep our country more advance then to be unite.

Question 3

What do you understand about “1 Malaysia Concept”?

These are some of opinion of the respondents:

· 1 Malaysia is about the unity of all races that lives in one country call Malaysia in harmony without anyone questioning the specialties given to Malay and Bumiputra while the other races needs also not to be forgotten.

· The unity of multi-racial community in Malaysia which is very important towards achieving developed country status in 2020.

· 1 Malaysia concept is about to get rid of the racism in Malaysian.

It is a concept that blends all races in Malaysia (Malay, Chinese and Indian) to live together as one big family in a harmony and peaceful way.

· All over citizen live in Malaysia united and working together, sharing and cooperation.

From the opinion above, “1 Malaysia Concept” are about to unite multiple races in Malaysia. Other than that, it can avoid racism and also can create mutual respect between different races.

Question 4

Based from “1 Malaysia Concept” can this concept create the unity between people in Malaysia?

The concept can create the unity of Malaysian community, as long as they are willing to contribute their part and learn to live with the others. The concept should be detailed and cleared enough to be understood by everyone. On the other hand, there are many slacks and this is just a new wraps around an old ideas.

Question 5

What do you expect from “ 1 Malaysia Concept”?

That Malaysia can have citizens that like 50 years before, who never ask for something they don't deserve, thinking about preserving nation's interest instead of individual. Besides that, there has been a hiccup in the unity of races in Malaysia, the 1 Malaysia concept can introduce a new schooling system where everyone is schooled in the Sekolah Kebangsaan and not Vernacular school. So, there's no more discrimination between people in Malaysia and we can stick together to build our own country. Moreover, this concept also can make Malaysia becomes more successful in the eyes of the world. This is because if we have every races and everyone's part, we can make a major differences in developing our country.


In conclusion, based on this survey, the objectives are achieved. Most of the citizens are agree with 1 Malaysia concept. 1 Malaysia concept is to unite multiple races in Malaysia. This concept was introduced today because to create unity and mutual respect among Malaysian. Besides, this concept is one of the way to achieve “Wawasan 2020”.

Oct 27, 2010

Do you know??

1Malaysia is an on-going political programme designed by Malaysian Prime Minister,Najib Tun Razak on September 16, 2008, calling for the cabinet, government agencies, and civil servants to more strongly emphasize ethnic harmony, national unity, and efficient governance. An official logo and slogan has been introduced along with the launch of 1Malaysia concept. The logo is the symbol of '1' which incorporates the national Jalur Gemilang flag and the word Malaysia. The first slogan is 'Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan' or 'People First, Performance Now'. The second slogan is 'Menjana Transformasi' or 'Generating Transformation'.

The 1Malaysia concept is a deeper appreciation of our cultural diversity, and greater government efficiency and responsiveness ­ is the path that can lead to political stability, economic growth and social enhancement for all Malaysians and for our country as a whole.

As Malaysians, we have a vital role to play in helping to realize the nation’s aspirations and visions. Without unity and loyalty to the nation in a diverse country like ours, all our efforts to achieve a better life for our citizens will be futile.There is a need for all of us, be it at the highest level of authority or at our individual and community levels, to treat others with absolute impartiality and fairness.We need to accept and live in peace with each other, showing concern and respect for an interest in all people, regardless of their status or inherent differences.

We must specifically develop a spirit of love, kindness and generosity towards the needy and less-fortunate as well as those lacking facilities, resources and opportunities among our people, including those struggling for survival due to disability, or being widows, orphans, aliens and the aged and the destitute.

In our homes, at work and at play, as well as at local and national levels, we should practice by example and encourage among our younger generation the quality of perseverance and self-discipline, the pursuit of excellence in all academic, occupational and professional endeavors, the attainment and recognition of quality, and most importantly, the value of humility and integrity.

Let us guard ourselves and help others against falling prey to envy, greed, selfishness, pride and anger. These qualities will only lead and bring us, our society and our nation, to an ultimate downfall.Rather, we should seek the essential virtues of dignity, forbearance, trustworthiness, compassion and hospitality.

As a responsible, creative and innovative thinking and conscientious people, with a government committed to policies and actions aimed at the highest good for our nation and its people, we can certainly hope with faith and confidence, that our cherished 1Malaysia ideals can and will be realized.Let us then move forward with courage as 1Malaysians, offering, sharing and embracing these virtues and values within our communities, our society and our nation

Oct 11, 2010

Online Survey Questions^^


For the video that we post before, we must do a presentation in class. Where our beloved lecturer Mr. Ahmad elaborate to us that to do the presentation we must have the speech like the picture above.

nurul's video choice....

This video clip is actually about the tourism campaign to promote tourism for visiting Malaysia. This clip video is playing ‘Rasa Sayang’ song which is I think really interesting song. The lyrics of this song is modified more to describe how unique of Malaysia with many culture and live in harmony together. Moreover, the lyrics of this song are modified into many languages that used in Malaysia. This clip video is interesting for me. Enjoy this video!....=)

Oct 9, 2010

..diLa's videO cLip's chOice..

This video is about three friends who consist of Malays, Chinese and Indian. It is a flashback memory where Lim and Hassan met by accident at the hospital due to small accident. Even though they had been a long time not see each other, but they still can recognize. I am interested to choose this video because this video have lots of lessons.

For me, this video is about the concept of 1 Malaysia because they become friends regardless of race and religion. It also highlights the high value of friendship. This can be seen at the time of Hassan's circumcision where Lim and Param wait for Hassan circumcised by 'tok mudim', and then carry him used a bicycle. Param pedal slowly while Lim helped Hassan to walk because they know that Hassan are not in a good condition. This shows their caring and helpful nature.

As the conclusion,
we should respect each other and be friend with everybody regardless of race and religion to keep our country in peace and unite.

Oct 6, 2010

Echa's Video Clip choice...^^

For the presentation in class I have choose this video clip.

This video clip is taken from the you tube. This video is about the multiple ethnic relation in Malaysia. This video is uploaded by the you tube user, nasirharis88. There are no further information about the video, but from the scenery in the video I'm guessing that this video was made by the IIUM's students. The video are about the multiple ethnic relation in Malaysia, the crisis that occur in Malaysia and how to avoid the crisis from happen again.

The multiple ethnic relation in Malaysia is one of the symbol of our country. The main ethnic in Malaysia are Chinese, Indian, and Malay. Malaysia is very proud of the multiple ethnic. Even though, the differences between the ethnic are very clear, such as the religion, languages, cultures and many more. Despite that we are be able to live together in the same country.

However, there are still many crisis had happened in our country because of the different ethnic, even though we be able to live together and work together and such. The example of the crisis are like chaos, discrimination, ethnic violent. The cause of the crisis are the religion, every one have their own way of practice, economic, the differences in working sectors and the domination of the economic sectors, culture and language, the racial interest like choosing friends, jobs and partners, polarization between ethnic group, and the politic.

The solution that we can take is the individuals have their own responsibilities. The example of the individuals are such as parents, the authorities, community and so on. To solve the crisis we must have good social iteration between the ethnic, pay them a visit when they are sick, uphold the right of all neighbor, respect others including religion, culture and language, and communicate well with them.

As the nutshell, from the video we can learn that to create a peaceful country we must be unite and respect others even though they are different from us.